Possible places to help with financial aid
These are some other resources that you may be able to use:
The Pet Fund is a registered 501(c) 3 nonprofit association that provides financial assistance to owners of domestic animals who need veterinary care.
Ginger's Legacy: We will prevent the financial burden of life-saving medical care from prematurely ending a beloved pet's life by helping responsible pet owners meet the cost of unanticipated crucial pet treatments
Rose's Fund is sensitive to the fact that it takes more than love to save a life, and all animals deserve a chance. We will financially assist, to the best of our ability, pet owners and Good Samaritans who have an animal with a good prognosis for a healthy life, but are at a financial loss.
Max Fund: Care for MaxFund animals and offering the public a low-cost clinic to care for their animals. Also a No-Kill Shelter.
Harrison Memorial Aniaml Hospital: Provides donor-subsidized veterinary services for pets owned by economically disadvantaged families and individuals.
AnimalHaus Strives to keep families together by assisting those who need help. Some do it for children, elders or other family members; we do it for pets.
Pets Forever: Designed to help low-income elderly and disabled Larimer County residents maintain ownership of their pets for as long as possible, and to improve the health and well-being of these pets and owners by providing needed help and resources

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